
About Us

NANJING XINHUI MSCHINE CO,.LTD (formerly: Nanjing Zhicheng Rubber Machinery Co., Ltd.) is located in the beautiful ancient capital city of Nanjing Gaochun Economic Development Zone.

Our company is manufacturing extrusion series of professional manufacturers, has been committed to the development of rubber and plastic machinery products, research and manufacturing.


Products Show
宾阳县| 永泰县| 靖州| 定边县| 汤原县| 健康| 庄河市| 达拉特旗| 红安县| 德庆县| 伊川县| 铁力市| 延吉市| 锦州市| 大理市| 苍梧县| 开化县| 岳普湖县| 开江县| 朔州市| 鱼台县| 维西| 湖州市| 嵩明县| 怀仁县| 新平| 台湾省| 大连市| 永修县| 石屏县| 尚义县| 辽宁省| 山西省| 兴城市| 长白| 巴塘县| 平远县| 安平县| 眉山市| 沧州市| 德安县|